Mass reporting interface (MMT)

The use of the Mass reporting interface simplifies the automatic transfer (via import) of the company's products (preparations, existing substances, biocides) to the Chemical Register (RPC) via an XML file, greatly reducing transfer times and errors associated with manual entry.

The Notification Authority for Chemicals provides an interface for the direct import of the XML file into the RPC. The company concerned is responsible for developing the software to create the XML file. The Notification Authority for Chemicals is available to answer questions about import errors, but does not provide support for software development.

Inside the ZIP file, accessible from the documents section at the bottom of the page, you will find the XSD file, all necessary codes and the user manual. It is recommended to consult the user manual carefully to understand all codes in detail, as they are not easily identifiable from the XSD file alone. Please note that RCP covers the requirements of the Swiss Chemical Ordinance and not those of the EU.

How do I access the Mass reporting interface (MMT)?
To request activation of the interface for MMt, after carrying out the necessary tests (see below), you need to send an e-mail to providing details of the account used in production, including e-mail address and associated CH-ID number.

Test Phase

This test phase is mandatory for all new users of the Mass reporting interface (MMT).

In order to use the Mass reporting interface (MMT) in the public version of the Chemical Product Register (PROD), companies must first test the functionality on the test version of the register (ABN): (note: this is not the same URL as the public RPC).

The test environment is a copy of the public registry. To work in this environment, a new account is required. To create the new account, simply log in at the top right, follow the instructions to open a new account and complete the process by requesting access. When the account is opened, you will also receive a confirmation with the account identification number (CHA-ID).

Once you have opened your account (in the ABN trial version), please send us your CHA-ID number and personal data (surname, first name, company, address, telephone number, e-mail address and name of the system you are using) by e-mail to We will then confirm by e-mail that the account has been associated with the corporate identity and that the additional role (MMT) has been activated.

Test suggestions (please note: do not enter confidential information into the test environment1):

  • Uploading 2 new products by the company.
  • Uploading of 6 products (update of 2 products and 4 new products, if possible, with different characteristics, e.g.: in the composition enter once a component with CAS number, once with PAID and once enter a preparation via CPID).

As soon as the tests have been successfully completed, please send the list of CPIDs created in the ABN test environment to with a request to activate the MMT role in the public environment (e-mail address and CH-ID).
The Notification Authority will evaluate the tests performed in the test environment (ABN) and validate the desired role. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the account holder.

1Please note that this is a test environment. We therefore recommend that you DO NOT enter confidential data or delete it immediately after testing, and draw your attention to the fact that the Chemical Notification Authority accepts no liability for any damage caused in the event of a breach.
All data in the Chemicals Register (CRP) in this environment is not accessible to the public without logging in, which means that it must be treated as confidential. The improper use or distribution of this data is prohibited.

Last modification 02.12.2021

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