Mass reporting interface

So far, companies that reported a large number of preparations, existing chemical substances, authorized biocidal products or parallel imported plant protection products were forced to enter and to maintain the data twice. Once in their own system (source) and a second time in the chemical products register (target system).

The related effort was not negligible, because errors could occur during the transfer process, leading to inconsistent data between the source and the target system. With the introduction of a mass registration interface the effort for such a transfer should be reduced and the existing source of errors will be eliminated.

The Notification authority for chemicals will provide the interface. A zip file with the user instructions and information regarding the exact definition of the XML file to import the product data into the target system will be made available on the homepage of the Notification authority.

Once the suitable XML file has been generated by the a company , the Notification authority for chemicals will issue upon request a test user account on the test system (mail to for login information under the heading " Testphase Massenmeldetool"). This gives users the ability to check their XML files for accuracy and completeness. Once the programming has been completed successfully, the Notification authority for chemicals will unlock the access to the mass registration interface on the operational system (

Last modification 02.12.2021

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