Release Notes

Release Note: Product register for chemicals V 4.6

Version 4.6 of the Product register for chemicals (RPC) has been released on 24.01.2024. This version is intended to correct a few bugs and introduce some internal improvements.

What’s new:

  • For biocidal products, it will no longer be necessary to enter the chemical manufacturer's e-mail address/telephone number
  • Changes have been made to the interface in the composition section: the button for replacing the composition is more visible, and the names of very long products/substances have been adapted to the interface
  • System stability has been improved
  • Bug fix: The component material categories (CMC) for fertiliser raw materials are also mandatory for raw materials transferred from the old interface


Impact on users:

  • Communication from the chemical manufacturer can continue as before version 4.5
  • There should be fewer internal system errors

Last modification 22.05.2024

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