For certain substances the chemicals legislation contains provisions that must be respected when objects are placed on the market.
Obligations in the context of self-regulation
- In the case of objects containing dangerous substances, substances considered PBT or vPvB, or substances of very high concern (SVHC) listed in Annex 3 ChemO, the manufacturer must assess (Art. 5 para. 2 ChemO) whether these substances may endanger the environment or indirectly endanger human health when these objects are used as intended, or in a foreseeable manner, or when they are appropriately disposed of.
- In the case of objects containing SVHC the manufacturer must assess (Art. 5 para. 3 ChemO) whether these substances may endanger human health when these objects are used as intended, or in a foreseeable manner, or when they are appropriately disposed of.
Restrictions and Bans
Specific bans or restrictions have been decreed in regard to placing on the market or to the use of certain substances or families of substances due to health and environmental risks associated with their use.
These provisions, which often also apply to the use of the substances in objects, are found in the Annexes of the Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance (ORRChem). An overview of these restrictions and bans can be found under ‘Links’.
Duty to provide information on substances of very high concern (SVHC) in objects
Anyone who commercially supplies an object that contains more than 0.1 wt % of an SVHC listed in Annex 3 ChemO, must inform the recipient of the presence of the SVHC in the object and the measures required for safe use (Art. 71 ChemO). This information has to be provided to professional users or traders without being so requested, and to private users on request within 45 days.
In accordance with European practice the limit value applies to each part of an object. With a bicycle, for example, the 0.1 % limit is based on the weight of the handlebar grips, if they contain a substance from the SVHC list.
More detailed information on comprehending the duty to provide information: Fact Sheet on the duty to provide information pursuant to Article 71 ChemO.
Last modification 06.10.2023