If a preparation is labelled exclusively with one or more EUH phrases (e.g. EUH208 Contains [name of the sensitiser]. May produce an allergic reaction), the chemical is not considered dangerous according to the Chemicals Ordinance (ChemO).
However, if the preparation contains a substance mentioned in Art. 19 letter d ChemO above the concentration limit, the product is a dangerous preparation. I.e. the product it must be notified in the register for products (RPC) and a safety data sheet must be prepared for supply to professional users.
Example: This means for a preparation containing only EUH208: obligation to notify in an individual concentration of 0.1% by weight Sens 1.
Voluntary notification: Non-dangerous preparations that meet the criteria for EUH208 labelling with individual concentrations of sensitizing substances less than 0.1% by weight are not subject to the notification requirement. The EUH208 labelling including the name of the sensitizing substance must be indicated on the product label. Such preparations may be notified voluntarily, if certain requirements are met [voluntary notification]