Derogations from the labelling

In the legal texts derogations are provided for small packages of less than 125 mL. Applications for exemption are possible in Switzerland for other special cases.

Foreseen derogations for labelling

The legal texts foresee various derogations for labelling, arranged according to container sizes of less than 125 mL (CLP Ordinance, Annex I, numeral 1.5.2), less than 25 mL (CLP Ordinance, Annex I, numeral and less than 10 mL (CLP Ordinance, Annex I, numeral on which the manufacturers can rely directly. The application of these derogations is listed in more detail in the ECHA Guidelines for Packaging and Labelling.

Further derogations for labelling

If the labelling provisions cannot be met even with the help, for example, of folded and wrap-around labels, then pursuant to Article 12 Chemicals Ordinance (ChemO), it is possible to submit an application for a derogation for labelling . The applications for derogation are possible,

  • if the size of the product or
  • other unfavourable properties make the specified labelling impossible;
  • the substance or preparation is supplied in such small quantities that it poses no risk to humans and the environment; or
  • the substance or preparation does not fall within the scope of the EU-CLP Regulation.

The validity of any granted derogation is only for Switzerland. An application according to Article 12 ChemO is excluded for biocidal products. Biocidal products must be labelled in accordance with Article 38 OBP.

Last modification 16.11.2022

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