In the EU, the IUCLID software is required for registering substances (Article 111 REACH) and in Switzerland for notifying new substances. This program and all associated documents and supplementary databases can be downloaded free of charge from the following address: IUCLID

Submit IUCLID6 export files (but not the write-protected dossier files, see Annex III of the guidelines) using the E-application for chemicals (RPC): https://www.rpc.admin.ch/rpc/private/

In IUCLID use the "validate" function under "working context" (setting of the quantity range according to substance quantity placed on the market in Switzerland). Check the dossier for completeness prior to submission. As a result:

  • the number of queries from the notification authority is minimized
  • forwarding to the evaluation unitsis accelerated (the notification period begins on the day after receipt of the complete notification dossier at the notification authority for chemicals)
  • the risk of a dossier being rejected due to missing data is reduced

Submit additional or supplementary test report summaries as an export file (allows the relevant endpoints to be imported).

In the event of problems with IUCLID, support is available from the REACH helpdesk.

Last modification 21.04.2022

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