How and where to submit the notification/where to report?

Reportingto the notification authority for chemicals using the E-application for chemicals (RPC):

The notification of a new substance must be sent using the E-application for chemicals (RPC):

The notification dossier must contain inter alia:

  • Accompanying letter (CH notifier)
  • Indications of the CH quantity
  • Indications of the public substance name
  • IUCLID file (substance export file, not write-protected)
  • public version (without confidential business information) of the PDF printout of the IUCLID 6 substance file
  • Safety data sheet (for classified substances)
  • Chemical safety report (above 10 tons per year)

You will find all necessary information in the Guidelines for notification, registration and declaration of new substances in accordance with the Swiss Chemicals Ordinance.

Registration of dangerous existing substances or preparations occurs via electronic form on the chemicals product register.


Last modification 03.12.2019

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