Holders of special licences or of specialist knowledge for the supply of chemicals are obliged to regularly receive further training. Institutions may have their training offers recognised by the FOPH.
Courses on special licences and specialist knowledge:
Courses and recognised examinations are shown in the list of recognised examination centres. Contact details and websites may be found there.
Further information:
Liste der Prüfungsstellen und Kursangebote (Document)
Specialist knowledge courses are also suitable as basic training:
Specialist knowledge courses are basically targeted at people who sell certain chemical products. However, they can also be used as an introduction to chemical topics. The courses provide a basic understanding of hazard labelling of chemicals, the contents of safety data sheets, legal bases and knowledge of important product categories.
Possibility for the recognition of training and further education:
Institutes that want to offer courses and examinations for special licences or specialist knowledge can apply to the FOPH for recognition. Professional basic training may also be recognised as an equivalent proof of knowledge (apprenticeship, technical college degree, university degree…). Further training offers for specialist knowledge or special licences may also be recognised on request.
Further information:
Form for the recognition of examination centres (Document)
Form for the recognition of professional basic training (Document)
Offers for further training
- The recognised examination centres also offer further training (see the “list of recognised examination centres")
- The Notification Authority Chemicals regularly organises further training.
Training material and self-tuition (see links)
- Sales of chemicals: Vademecum (annotated training)
- Lessons for teachers and students
- Labels, labelling
- Information Sheets
- Substances, products, applications
- Merkblätter der kantonalen Chemikalienfachstellen (Chemsuisse)
- Protective equipment, risk assessment, fact sheets, data sheets
- Storage of dangerous substances
Last modification 19.01.2017