EU manufacturers and importers are required to submit a dossier to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The scope of and deadline for such dossier depend on the quantity and hazards of the substance.
Every manufacturer and importer in the EU must register every substance above a volume of 1 tonne per year. Swiss companies which do not reside in the EU but bring their chemicals to market in the EU, can designate an only representative (excluding distributors) to handle such registration. Or they may choose to leave the registration to the EU importers.
Re-import of registered substances (EU > CH > EU) is exempt from the obligation to register. If a substance is exported from the Community by an actor in the supply chain and subsequently imported back into the Community by the same or a different actor in the same supply chain, it is considered a re-import (Art. 2(7) lit. c REACH). The importer is exempt from having to register the substance if he can demonstrate tha
a) the substance has been registered in accordance with Title II REACH
b) the substance being re-imported is the same as the substance exported from the EU
c) he has been provided with information in accordance with Articles 31 or 32 (SDS or information on substances or preparations that do not require an SDS)
Last modification 15.08.2024