Washing and cleaning agents belong to the most widely used chemicals in the household. A correct classification, labelling and packaging of these products is therefore particularly important.
The change to the classification and labelling system (GHS) has led to changes for some of the risks posed by these most frequently used products. In particular, consideration should be given to the hazard classes 3.2 (skin corrosive/skin irritant) and 3.3 (seriously damaging/irritating to the eyes), with the following modifications:
- reduced concentration limits: The application of the calculation procedure for both of these hazard classes leads to rather conservative classifications due to the overall lower concentration limits.
- Bridging Principles: The previously occasionally used “Trustee-Expert Model” and the “AISE Model” is now a standard method. Test data from sufficiently similar products may be transferred to the product being classified.
- Alternative Test Methods: Various animal experimentation-free test methods (in vitro) are available for determining the hazard characteristics of the product for both hazard classes.
A short guideline can be found under "Documents". It explains how in vitro tests can be used for the classification of products that are possibly skin corrosive. In particular, it shows defined approaches for mixtures having extreme pHs and for mixtures containing 5% to 10% corrosive ingredients but having no extreme pH.
Further information on this topic can be found under: Alternative Test Methods.
Liquid Caps
Certain types of detergents are offered as pre-portioned, highly concentrated liquid detergents. Additional requirements apply to the packaging and labelling for these ‘film capsules’, ‘liquid caps’ or Mega Caps’. Further information can be found under ‘Links’ .
Last modification 14.02.2017