Seulement en anglais.

The Working Group of Information Technology (AGIT, Arbeitsgruppe Informationstechnologie) consists of representatives of the GLP Compliance Monitoring Units and of invited experts from the industry. Several documents related to information technology in a GLP environment have been developed. These documents are considered to be interpretations of the Principles according to article 4 paragraph 2 of the OGLP.

List of the current members of the GLP Working Group on Information Technology (AGIT)

Invited experts from industry:
- Larissa Michel: Swiss BioQuant AG
- Markus Haak: F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
- Jean-Marc Jehl: Debiopharm S.A.
- Peter Crick: Innovative Environmental Services (IES) Ltd

Members of the Swiss GLP compliance monitoring units:
- Sabine Frey: Federal Office of Public Health
- Elisabeth Klenke and Daniel Roth: Swissmedic - Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products
- Christoph Moor and Michael Aeschbacher: Federal Office for the Environment

Dernière modification 31.01.2018

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