UFI (Unique Formula Identifier)

The Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) allows the Tox Info Suisse, the Swiss poison centre to quickly identify the composition in case of poisoning.

In Switzerland, the unique formula identifier (UFI) will be introduced for preparations, biocidal products and fertilisers that are classified as hazardous on the basis of their health and physical effects:

  • From 1.1.2022: preparations, biocidal products and fertilisers newly placed on the market, which are intended for private users;
  • From 1.1.2022: preparations, biocidal products and fertilisers that already are labelled with a UFI. In particular, products imported from the EEA fall into this category. This ensures that Tox Info Suisse can identify such products quickly and reliably in an emergency.
  • From 1.1.2026: all other preparations, biocidal products and fertilisers that are classified as hazardous on the basis of their health and physical effects.

For products imported from the EU, the current UFI from the EU can also be used in Switzerland.

A UFI for products, which are placed on the market in Switzerland, but not in the EU, can be generated with the programme (see below) using the Swiss VAT number. The UFI has to be indicated on the product and to be reported into the product register RPC in case of preparations or in the application for biocidal products and fertilisers.

For preparations designated for export into the EU/EEA, the UFI should be generated according to the «Notice concerning UFI».

The notification authority Chemicals has provided a UFI generator (see below).

  • The company is characterised by the Swiss VAT number.
  • The individual formulations are characterised by a formulation number (9-digit number between 0 and 268,435,455), which the manufacturer must enter and manage. The manufacturer must ensure that each formulation number is unique for a particular formulation. If the VAT number is the same, the same UFI is generated with the same formulation number.

Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) Generator

Company's Swiss VAT number
Create single UFI

Create multiple UFIs


Last modification 04.12.2023

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