REACH Authorisation


The European Chemicals Agency ECHA regularly adds Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) to the candidate list of SVHC for authorisation. In view of future enlargements of the candidate list, it is recommended to Swiss firms to participate in ECHA's consultations on potential SVHCs (see link).

ECHA Proposal to identify substances of very high concern (SVHC)

  • The list is the result of an evaluation process by ECHA and member states where both scientific and economic criteria play a role. Substances are then prioritised based on their hazard properties, volumes used, and use related potential for exposure to humans. As the case may be, ECHA submits recommendations for inclusion to the list of substances subject to authorisation.
  • Annex XIV REACH (list of substances subject to authorisation) is enlarged by the European Commission based on the candidate list. It is assumed that grant practice of (temporary) authorisations is very costly and restrictive.


  • The revision of the Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance (ORRChem), which entered into force on 1.12.2012, adopts the authorisation obligation for the SVHC listed in annex XIV REACH (annex 1.17 ORRChem) for Switzerland.
  • Both placing on the market and use of these substances is prohibited, if no exception has been demanded to and accorded by the EU Commission or by Swiss authorities.
  • Requests submitted to the Swiss notification authority are only valid in Switzerland (fees are indicated in the fee regulation, annex, chapter III, see link below, in German version).

Last modification 20.02.2017

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